

Supernatural is that which exists (or is claimed to exist), yet cannot be explained by laws of nature. Examples often include characteristics of or relating to ghosts, angels, gods, souls and spirits, non-material beings, or anything else considered beyond nature like magic, miracles, etc. Supernaturalism, as opposed to naturalism, is a belief in the supernatural in interpreting the world or attempting to control it. It can vary from those who believe that supernatural powers or entities are constantly or continuously intervening in the natural world to those who, like Deists, believe that only the origins of the natural world and its laws should be sought in the supernatural.

The Book Paradise lost by John Milton is all about the supernatural being. We see how Milton justifies the actions of God in the beginning. Freedom of choice is god given yet, we are judged by the choices we make. In this book, Milton reminds the reader of the power God has over us. How we cry and beg for mercy to God. Paradise lost also talks about Satan and him being the supernatural who is filled with rage against God. In this reading, we also get a hint of seeing God as power hungry. Where God allows Satan to seduce human being on the wrong path, knowing that eventually people will get vulnerable and beg Mercy from the God. In this book, Milton shows the reader both sides of the supernatural being. One is God being the power-hungry Supernatural and the other is the Satan Supernatural being whose the only task is to defy God. Many of us believe in supernatural being and many don’t because that is something we can’t see with our naked eyes.


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